Cling to His Names

Throughout the Bible, there are many names attributed to our God. Each name tells us something about Him and His character. I don’t think He’d be offended if you called Him Jirah (Provider) instead of Rapha (Healer) when asking for healing. It is for our sake to know that He’s not “just God.” Knowing thatContinue reading “Cling to His Names”

Letter of Encouragement

The apostle Peter was probably most similar and just as annoying as you and I are today 😉 He messed up. A lot. Not sure if that is more frustrating or encouraging… Frustrating because he knew better and could have avoided so many mistakes & encouraging because we are prone to fail as often asContinue reading “Letter of Encouragement”


~ Do what makes you happy ~ Choose what feels best ~ Just be you and represent your truth ~ If it feels right, it’s right ~ These cute catch phrases sound empowering and beneficial; but they break down. And when they break down, you’re left with the broken person who took the phrases asContinue reading “Self-Love”

Ready to Read

Do you have a process to reading the Bible? You don’t HAVE to have a process, but it might be helpful. Perhaps even transformative. Learning the Bible … aims to shape the way we think. Page 83 As Christians, we are called to be prepared to give an answer for the hope within us (1Continue reading “Ready to Read”

Anxious Dollar or Grateful Penny

I’m still processing a claim I heard a few days ago: anxiety and gratitude cannot exist at the same time in the brain. But this “wild claim” of brain + gratitude = no anxiety isn’t anything new. We can trace this formula back to AD 60 (even earlier in the Old Testament), and we canContinue reading “Anxious Dollar or Grateful Penny”

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